The co-director of the center was invited to give a scientific report at the Chinese Embassy in Colombia

At the invitation of the Chinese Embassy in Colombia, Dr. Luo Xun, the co-director of the center, went to the embassy on February 19, 2020 to give the diplomats a scientific and technological report on “New Generation of Information Technology Helping International Exchange”, introducing new technologies including virtual reality. How a generation of information technology can play a role in reducing costs, shortening cycles and inclusive population in international exchanges.
Before the report, Ambassador Blue Tiger received Dr. Luo Xun. He expressed his appreciation for the center’s vision of “Intelligent Internet” as his vision and his commitment to using technology to serve human well-being. Dr. Luo Xun introduced the focus of the center’s work in 2020 and invited Ambassador Blue Tiger to come to the center for guidance at a convenient time.
More than 20 diplomats from the embassy subsequently attended the report meeting and asked questions about the various technologies and applications mentioned in the report. After the report meeting, the host and guest continued to have a light meal work talk.