Bitscience 2021
On May 6, the Systems Engineering Program of the Santiago de Cali University held the virtual conference called 'Bitscience 2021- Artificial Intelligence in times of pandemic', in which three conferences were held focused on the advances achieved by Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Big Data under the current condition that the world lives due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the conferences were dictated by national and international speakers, the PhD. Christian Gustavo Arias, coordinator of the Artificial Intelligence and Big Data laboratory at Cidti 4.0, PhD. Fernando Pinciroli Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Design of the University of Champagnat- Argentina and the PhD Junxiao Xue of the Technological University of Tianjin of China, the participation of professor Junxiao Xue arose as a result of the joint work between the Directorate of the Engineering Program Systems Department of the USC and the General Directorate of the NUX Research Laboratory, the speech by Professor Junxiao Xue served as the closing of the event which was attended by more than 200 people and evidenced the positive relationship that has been developed during the last years between the Santiago de Cali University and China through Professor Xun Luo, General Director of the laboratory.