Connected Universal Experiences Labs at the World Conference on VR industry (WCVRI 2020)

Connected Universal Experiences Labs organized one of the eight forums at the 2020 World Conference on VR industry (WCVRI 2020) , the conference is China’s biggest VR industry event. Information can be found at: The theme of our forum was “VR x Intelligent Health” and was held in the afternoon of October 20 (China time)
Professor Xun Luo, director of Connected Universal Experiences Labs chaired the sessions. Presenting members from the Academic Committee at the Connected Universal Experiences Labs included: Dr. Mario José Divan from National University of La Pampa, Argentina talking about online data-driven decision making; Dr. Andrés Navarro Cadavid from Universidad Icesi Cali, Colombia talking about solutions for the Parkinson disease; and, Dr. Claudia Liliana Zuñiga-Cañón from Universidad Santiago de Cali, Colombia and president of the IEEE Computer Society Colombia Chapter talking about extended realities in smart cities.

Invited speakers included eight additional outstanding members from Chinese universities and industries and Professor Chris Sandor from the University of Hong Kong. Talks were diverse focusing on subjects such as 5G and VR, body heat, evaluation of nervous system functions, AI and medical treatment.